How To Disable Copy And Paste On Blogger Posts 2020

How To Disable Copy And Paste On Blogger Posts 2020?

       Secure your content or post from your competitor in blogger or WordPress, any network.


This is my personal experience in a content secure system and this is to easy to secure your content of copay paste systems like Control-C and Control-V, If you want to disable your content copy past in blogger so please follow these steps.

Follow-1 (Java Script HTML)

1. Go on your blogger Account, now open your Blogger ‘Dashboard’
2. Now go to the setting of ‘Layout’ upper the theme option

Follow-2 (Right Side “Add a ‘Gadget'”)

1. Click on Right Side “Add a Gadget”.

Follow-3 (Adding A new Gadgets Slide Bar)

1. Click on “HTML/JavaScript “

Follow-4 (“Script Of Disable Copy Paste’)

1. Now Paste the Code on “Content” Box Don’t click any Other settings. 

Copy Paste this code of HTML/Script 

<script language=’JavaScript1.2′> function disableselect(e){ return false } function reEnable(){ return true } //if IE4+ document.onselectstart=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;) //if NS6 if (window.sidebar){ document.onmousedown=disableselect document.onclick=reEnable } </script>

Follow-5 (Final Step)

1. Now Save arrangements & go to check your post.


     I hope you enjoy this method this is very easy just watch our screenshot image and you have very easily grasp this method of How To Disable Copy And Paste On Blogger Posts2020.
    I have also used this method on my blog you can also check my blog for conforming my all content are now secure I am happy you can also try now go fast and disable copy, paste system.

Thanking you All 
Comment Below Any Quarry 

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