How rank post without backlinks in 2020 working Method

How rank post without backlinks in 2020 working Method

My Personal Story

In my story, I am working on blogging for almost 1+ years but I can’t be getting success because the reasons are I don’t have knowledge about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and I have not enough knowledge about HTML coding so I failed many time in blogging. I remember at the time my 1st post publish I don’t get any traffic in my google search console but now I am very happy to watched my website traffic, as you want to get traffic to do something on your post because the post is a most important thing to ranking post in google top 10 pages, as you want to write a post to require to limit of the post is 2000 minimum to related to your post this is very important in ranking of the website, the favorite thing is require this is my personal thing to process the preparation the article of related to my post.
See my website traffics.

Lets Binging to our topic

   Therefore, you must have already heard all the cliche conversations about “How to rank on Google without backlinks.”

Right now there are exactly “1,27,00,000” results on Google that talk about how to classify without backlinks, but none of them have any kind of practical examples included to test the authenticity of the method.

I know, I know …… You want to see some evidence of the traffic I’m building my claims on.

Go ahead, check it out for yourself.

Impressive, isn’t it?

Now let’s talk about how I really did it.
Before I begin, I am not going to share the website URL here. You can leave if you are here just by name.
I registered this domain name in June of this year. For those of you who are curious to know where I registered this domain, I got it for 200 INR from Bigrock. Also, it doesn’t matter where you buy the domain. #Coupons
Also, many of you will be wondering what accommodation you should buy before you start.
The answer to that is, what works best for your budget.
Few hosting companies that I recommend are A2 WordPress Hosting, SiteGround WordPress Hosting.
The site is based on WordPress. It is the best CMS (Content Management System) for personal websites.
For those of you who think I’m lying about backlinks, here is the data on the top Google Search Console link domains.
Most of them are social media sites for which I set up IFTTT to automatically post content. You cannot consider them as direct backlinks.
Now I can’t convince you more than this. I can’t do anything more than I already did to convince you, so you can stop reading if you don’t believe me.
Still here? Good ……. Let’s move on to the real deal and help you learn something substantial.

1. Site structure

This may be the most important thing, that’s why I kept it prioritized above all else.
We all know about creating categories on our website, but we forget the real meaning of it. They are designed to improve navigation on your website.
Don’t just create categories and forget about them. Instead, work on them. Wondering how?
First of all, create as many detailed categories as you can. This gives Google a much better signal of what content is all about.
Now create a menu around your categories and add them to the heading. In this way, you create much better navigation for your website.
Enough categories, now jumping to internal links. Now I can’t convince you more than this. I can’t do anything more than I already did to convince you, so you can stop reading if you don’t believe me.
Still here? Good ……. Let’s move on to the real deal and help you learn something substantial.
So you must ask yourself what special things I did with this project.
I’ll break down all the pointy things to make them easier to understand and navigate.
This may be the most important thing, that’s why I kept it prioritized above all else.
We all know about creating categories on our website, but we forget the real meaning of it. They are designed to improve navigation on your website.
Don’t just create categories and forget about them. Instead, work on them. Wondering how?
First of all, create as many detailed categories as you can. This gives Google a much better signal of what content is all about.
Now create a menu around your categories and add them to the heading. In this way, you create much better navigation for your website.
Enough categories, now jumping to internal links.
Internal linking is so powerful that you can change your classification backward if it is implemented in the right way.
Thinking about how the internal links on this website?
Basically, I make an internal link of 2-3 RELEVANT web pages of the website or it can be said that the pages belong to the same category.
I’m not a huge fan of any post’s internal links just for doing it. Google is smarter than you. Much smarter. Don’t try to fool anyone.
Only internally link relevant posts on your website under the same category. This creates a great impact when viewing your site from above.
You can also link relevant category pages to content. Certainly in the fact that it works.

2. Content of bombardment

As cheesy as it sounds, it’s THE THING if you’re not willing to do a ton of backlinks.
No matter what niche you’re working in, there is always some content that you can post online.
Let me talk about my approach to posting new content every day.
First of all, create a structure for your posts. In my niche, each article followed the same publication structure. So before posting my first article on the site, I made a post structure on Google Keep. I looked at all the Subtitles, Content Structure down there and every time I needed to post new content I just copied and pasted the G Keep structure, edited a few things here and there, sprinkled with a bit of page optimization. DONE.
With that done, you are ready to go.
At least post 1 new article every day.
I was a bit harsh posting around 4-5 articles per day.
Because you never know which article could trigger your site through rankings. Try to cover every bit of knowledge in your niche.
Google will start to like you if you update content more often than your competitors. This way, the crawler will go to your website more often because it will save the crawler the budget. Your content will start indexing in less time.
Furthermore, internal linking also plays a very important role in indexing. I noticed that content with internal links from popular posts indexed faster than content without internal links.
One thing to note is that Bombardeo content doesn’t mean that you start copying the content of others or start rotating it.
I know that writing a lot of content could be boring for many people, and coming up with new ideas every day is a difficult task in itself.
For that, you can see what your competitors are doing, get an idea of ​​your content, and structure it in your words. Do what you want just DON’T COPY THE WHOLE THING.
You can hire a content writer if you’re too busy or just not interested in writing. or make a friend who likes to write.
Are you thinking how long that content should last?
Ideally, anything close to 1000 words has the potential to rank if it is decently optimized. Try to break down your content into as many titles, subtitles and questions as you can. Trust me, it works.
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3. SEO optimization on the site

When you’re not working on your off-site SEO, you need to make sure you’re doing everything right in your on-page settings.
In fact, you can use any SEO plugin you want to use.
I personally like Yoast.
A few days ago a new plugin called “Rank Math SEO” was released. I recently started using it and I liked that plugin just because it has a built-in outline function and I also like its SERP preview. Hahaha
Plugins won’t help you if you don’t optimize them the right way.
One thing I want to tell everyone is that I feel like they don’t need to incorporate their categories, tags, and author pages into the sitemap. I only keep pages and posts on it. Try to make it as clean and pleasant as possible for the eyes. Don’t create a complete mess of it.
Now talking about your SEO title and Meta Description.
Try adding your specific keyword at least once on both. Also, try making a clickbait-ish title type, it will help you increase your CTR.
Adding numbers to your title also tends to increase CTR. Check what the person is not on. 1 is doing. Try to learn from that person’s work. There is a reason why he doesn’t. 1 and you are not.

Now you must ask yourself how to optimize images to rank higher?

Don’t apply any space science to it.
Just add your specific keyword with different prefixes and suffixes to your image title and ALT text. With this, you are ready to go.
Your main goal with on-page optimization is to tell Google what your content is about.
Schema helps you do it much more easily and I know for sure that you are not doing it on purpose.
No matter what your niche is, there is an outline structure for you.
Confused about what is good for your blog?
1. Go to
2. Find anything around your niche or topic. Whether it’s reviews, games, music, or anything else, you’ll get a response.
3. Still can’t find it?
4. Take your 5 competitors for a particular item.
5. Take their URLs and put them in the structured data testing tool.
6. Check what type of scheme they are using and learn from them.
7. That’s it, Bud.
And yes, you can get those stars on SERPs with the help of that. Helps increase CTR.
Now, as we are talking about SEO on the page, many of you think that putting your “X” keywords multiple times in your article will help you get higher ranking in SERPs.
I won’t lie, it would actually help a little, but only for a short period of time. At the end of the day, your site will disappear and you may also receive a manual Google penalty. I know you don’t want your site to disappear from Google. So stop playing those dirty tricks now.

4. Site loading speed

Now it’s also a Google ranking signal. So don’t take it for granted.
It plays an important role in rankings and acts as the backbone of the user experience.
Poor site speed can worsen your site experience. It tends to increase the bounce rate, which tells Google that people aren’t interested in your content.
Even if your content is great but lacks speed, people will start abandoning your content right away.
The server your site is hosted on plays an important role.
I’m not a big fan of shared hosting servers, but if you’re just starting out or have little or no traffic, you can use it. There are no problems with that.
But over time you should update your server.
I personally use cloud hosting servers.
In addition, you can also make adjustments to your website, which will increase the speed of your site.
Use caching plugins to increase your speed and try to minimize your code as much as you can.
I use WP Rocket to optimize my website. You can use almost anything that goes with your hosting server.
When it comes to speed, the page size is the most important aspect and images dominate size.
This clearly suggests that you need to optimize your images for much faster speeds.
I use TinyPNG to optimize my images before uploading them to WordPress. Then after that I use the SMUSH plugin to optimize the images a lot more. Even after doing both if the images are not compressed then I use Adobe Photoshop to compress them. This method works best for me and I am using it for a long time.
After making all the adjustments, make sure your website loads in less than 4 seconds in GTMetrix Dashboard in the desired locations.
Create a free account on GTMetrix with the help of which you can check the speed of your site in different countries from different devices and browsers.

6. Share content

Sharing is showing interest.
So, start caring for people who are interested in your content, which means starting to share your content more often.
With that said, I’m not asking you to share each piece of content manually on different sites.
Let’s talk about how to completely automate this FREE process.
For this task, there are different tools on the market that you can use for FREE.
On this website I use IFTTT, this is the best service I know of to date.
You can attach your WordPress website and create different applets that will run automatically every time you press the “Publish” button.
Please note that I am not just asking to share the link. It looks like spam and people won’t even consider visiting your website.
Show some creativity and use the IFTTT function to the fullest. You can do serious damage with it.
Make sure to share it on all the famous social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Quora, Instagram, Medium.
If you don’t like IFTTT for some reason then here is a WP plugin that may work as an alternative for you.
It only takes a little more time to set it up, but you can also manage post sharing from your website. Furthermore, it can also affect the speed of your site as well.
But you must understand that you must share posts on social networking sites. It gives a positive signal to search engines and makes your content look more attractive.

7. Creating your own user base

This is something I want to start a healthy conversation with.
I’m pretty sure you should be aware of the PUSH NOTIFICATIONS.
It is very important to have push notifications integrated with your blog. There are several reasons why you should do it today.
1. You should not totally depend on any type of source for your traffic. Maybe tomorrow Google will make changes to its algorithm and you will lose all your traffic because of it. Building your own audience is an amazing idea!
2. It helps your audience update regularly with all the updates you’re making to your blog because search engines take time to reflect these changes, while push notifications can instantly inform them.
3. If you know how to play with your visitor’s mind then you can do a lot of positive damage to the market!
During these months, I increased my subscription list to more than 15 thousand subscribers with the help of push notifications.
The best part is that all of these people have an interest in the niche I’m targeting, so I can also target them later with some other content.
Onesignal is the best free push notification plugin that is available right now from my point of view.
You can also do the same with email marketing. I like push notifications much more as it gives me direct access to notifications from your phone.
What is your opinion?
Leave a comment if you feel like I’ve missed something important or if you want to ask something.
Also, if you want some exclusive SEO and marketing strategies to grow your business, subscribe to my updates on Messenger.
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Thanking you

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